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Your Most Expensive Asset: Time

June, 13 2022


Time is the worlds most expensive luxury, it's something you spend and never get back.

Founded in 2022 in London, United Kingdom. Bluemoon was started due to the frustration Oliver and Luke encountered when searching for quality travel options. They found themselves scrolling through the depths of the internet for hours on end struggling to simply plan and book quality travel options. They imagined a world where the dreaming, planning and booking process was as stress-free as the trip itself.

Not only did they find that there was little verification of supply and service - how good is the supplier, product, service… what they found was the luxury travel market has minimal technological infrastructure which resulted in inconvenient clunky booking engines, confusion and ultimately a worse customer experience. And so Oliver and Luke set out on a simple mission: To make luxury travel effortless.

Bluemoon’s platform seamlessly connects verified suppliers in the luxury travel market with travellers from all over the world. We strive to create priceless opportunities and experiences for all stakeholders engaging with Bluemoon. We believe the worlds most expensive asset is time, it’s the one thing you spend and never get back. We believe luxury travel starts long before the trip begins and so are investing in the most progressive technology to remove friction luxury travel.

Wherever you are going, whatever you are doing, we make luxury travel simple.



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